Friday, July 2, 2010


So, this is the maiden blog. Hope everybody enjoys it. Hopefully this will help us keep in touch with all of the peeps. An important (and hopefully fun) game that everybody can plan is trying to guess which one of us, Cuyler or Sarah, is writing each entry. It should be obvious. Cuyler is ridiculous, and probably has worse grammar. Actually, that isn't true. Let's be honest.

Guess who's writing this one.

SOOOOOOOOO That'll probably do for now. We're still figuring out how this site works exactly. Cuyler has a xanga account, but it's different. He doesn't know how this works. Sorry.

Sarah wants to make a new first entry after we figure out how to do this for real. We'll maybe do that, so enjoy this awkward, bumbly one while you can. (that should be a hint).

Love you guys!