Friday, October 5, 2012

Thing #3 that I love about Cuyler

So my number three thing I love about my sweet husband is: 
Cuyler is an amazing singer
So to be honest this is one of those talents I always wanted my husband to have. However, I tried not to want it too bad because I didn't want to be disappointed if my husband didn't sing. Well lucky me. I love Cuyler's voice. Really, it makes me melt. I have always loved listening to him sing. Although he may not believe it, I love that he sings at the top of his lungs when walking down the street or when we're out shopping or anywhere else in random public places. I'll admit that I was a little embarrassed by this at first, but it's only because I'm not a huge fan of having attention like that drawn to myself. But truly, I do love it. I love that he harmonizes with me when we sing to the radio, when we sing hymns for family home evening, or even when we sing lullabies to Lyla (talk about a lucky baby!). There have been a number of times where people sitting near us at church will come up after the meeting and tell Cuyler what a beautiful voice he has. Cuyler surprised me and sang to me (while playing the guitar) at our wedding reception. That was the sweetest, most romantic thing. I could listen to Cuyler sing all day. I just love it!

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